Jan. 16th, 2018


T H E   C I T Y
The Glass City is this game's setting, and it's it's important for players to familiarize themselves with this page, and in turn contribute to it. Use the mod box to suggest points of interest or businesses.

brief history
Annapolis, Maryland is the former capital of what used to be known as the state of Maryland within the United States of America. It was a port city and at one point the capital of the country in its early days. However, during World War III, bombs leveled the city due to the presence of the Naval Academy within. After the dust settled and a new order emerged, many returned to the city and began reconstruction efforts. It took about twenty years to clear about the rubble.

Glass City's reconstruction became almost a holy mission for the remnants of the area. Rebuild this city, make it better than it was before, and make it a symbol of hope. Tall buildings sprouted upward, new landscape laid out, trees influenced growth formulas skyrocketed with alarming speed, and people flocked to this new haven. It less than fifty years, Glass City became one of the most populated cities in the North American Alliance. The name of the city became of peculiar interest as other rebuilt cities retained their names (such as Los Angeles or New York City), but there was a difference between them and the city formerly known as Annapolis. They had used whatever was left and rebuilt there, while Glass City started completely fresh. The Glass City wasn't Annapolis; it was its own creature.

Over the years, Glass City has grown in size and expanded inland , absorbing other growing towns to accommodate for its rising population. It has a healthy economy and many new businesses as well as established ones find a home there. It has a thriving economy and a generally equalized society, though echelons of wealthy to poor still exist, just not to the extremes they used to be hundreds of years before.

The city is mostly flat and sits at not even 40 feet above sea level. It's primarily metropolitan area with tall buildings that reach high into the sky. All the buildings have an exterior made of a special glass-like material, hence the city's name. The material is, for the most part, transparent, though with the turn of a dial it may become translucent to opaque. During the day, the city shines like a jewel and some find it almost blinding. Even in the darkest of rainstorms, there's an ethereal sheen to the city. It sits on the coast of the Chesapeake Bay, which (through numerous environmental efforts) has been cleaned up.

The city's position near the coast means larger amounts of humidity and a great abundance of seafood. It also has lengthy synthetic sands along the edge where numerous resorts attract tourists during the long summer days. With the cleaner water, it's become a popular vacation spot. The city implements climate modifiers, to prevent especially humid days from becoming oppressive. During the winter months, the city experiences ice storms that specially treated pavement and road prevent from becoming hazardous.

Current city limits are much larger than the city's original size: 103 mi2.

Glass City boasts itself as one of the most diverse in the world, and they are correct. It has various subsections that celebrate the cultures of its citizens, and promotes unity through diversity. The city is predominantly of European and African heritage, though there are large and growing portions of those considered of Hispanic (non-white) and Asian heritage.

Birthrate is steady to match the death rate with a 2:1 ratio at this time. After World War III, the birthrate was much higher to make up for the lost portions of population lost. Fertility rate is steady though in later years it's improved due to advances in technology and the ability to clone sexual organs necessary for reproduction and the overall improved health of the world. Infant mortality rate is the lowest it's ever been and it appears only people who purposely refuse medical help to ensure the survival of their fetus experience infantile death. Birth control is relatively inexpensive and easily available, and considered 99.99% effective.

The current population of Glass City is 1.5 million. Of that population, it includes 500,000 registered androids and 250,000 identified cyborgs. Glass City is one of the few which require all cyborgs and androids be registered in a database, regardless of their independence. Registration must be renewed every five years and failure register includes a fine of at least ฿50,000 (bitcoin). Depending upon the length of time unregistered, it may also include time in the Baltimore Correctional Facility of at least 1 year and up to 50 years. Androids and cyborgs also tend to receive harsher sentencing in criminal cases.