Jan. 16th, 2018 at 2:36 PM
A P P L Y |
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- By applying, you agree to follow the rules.
- You need at least 15 twenty icons uploaded.
- If your application is posted as friends-only, you have the mod journal friended.
- Your application should be complete
- Adds are on Wednesdays and Fridays at 7:00 PDT
application process
- Request access to the asylums: IC ✧ OOC
- Friend the mod journal.
- Email cityofglassmods@gmail.com with a link to the applicaton on the journal you will use for your character. Do not post the application into the email or link to a CDJ.
- In the event you are asked for revisions, you will have 3 days to complete them.
- You may use your own application code, but it must include the same information from the code provided: